Friday, June 20, 2008

My future is so bright...I have to wear shades...skating with Eddie and Brendan

Eddie. Double stack ollie.

Brendan again...Pipe jam...backside 180 out

Brendan...180 Nosegrind


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Block Party

Someone finding their way to my heart...

Not always the best idea...

Animals at the party...

Kids and their parents bonding...


Random lurker who found a party.

My a kegger. It's a little scary.

Emerica Signing

Living the dream...two wheels at a time.

Life of luxury...on tour.

The Boss man.

Fanning out for the Emerica signing.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Beerfest 2008

Norfolk's finest at the Beer Fest!
Thomas and Amy...MMMMMM! Beer!!!
One of bestest friends..congrats on the engagement!
Me feeling a little religious...

Don't ever pass out at a Beer festival...or else you become a photo opportunity.